First Issue Coming September 1 2022

Literate-Ly Magazine
From Reviews to Literary News
From History to Her-Story
Built to educate authors
Literate-Ly Magazine is a bi-monthly literary magazine.
The purpose of Literate-Ly Magazine is to recognize authors and their work, expose new reads for readers, allow authors and literary professionals share their work and experience, and to educate authors of all levels and experience.
The mission of Literate-Ly Magazine is to educate, entertain, and promote authors and other literary professionals.
Categories in Magazine
New Releases (To add books, $10 per title)
ABSR Reviews (reviews of books from Amy's Bookshelf Reviews in the past 2 months)
Accepting Author and Literary Professional Contributions (free to contribute)
Articles about writing
Short Stories
Expert Articles
All articles requires an elevator pitch. ​
Contributing Reviewers (up to 6 per reviewer)
Featured Banned Book(s)
Other pending categories: Illustrator spotlight (for illustrators, graphic cover designers, and graphic novelists). Email me if you're interested in sharing your work. (No compensation, except for byline, and showcasing your work.)
Donations Accepted (Says Essence Enterprises, the parent company of this magazine)
Indie Author Spotlight
Indie Authors can add their name to the “lottery” and up to three authors will be chosen per issue. (If they added their name, they don’t have to add it again). If selected, the author will need to fill out the interview questions, provide an author bio (written in third person), a list of their book titles, awards, and a photo to put with the article.
Fill out the form below and you will get a response from (Do NOT send any information until you get a response to your request).
New Releases
Authors can add their book titles to the New Releases (has to be this calendar year) and they can be released or will be released this year. The cost is $10 per title, a cover of the book is required, where it can be purchased, and a blurb less than 500 words.
Fill out the form below and you will get a response from (Do NOT send any information until you get a response to your request).
ABSR Reviews (Amy's Bookshelf Reviews)
Authors that have had their books recently reviewed by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews, will have their review posted in the next upcoming issue of the magazine. Authors do not have to sign up for this as it will happen automatically.
Authors will be informed about the issue where their review will be posted.
Author Contributors
Accepting Author Contributions (free to contribute)*
Articles about writing
Short Stories
Expert Articles
Writing 101
Articles about writing or expert articles should be no less than 500 words and no more than 1500 words
Short Stories should be no less than 500 words and no more than 5000.
Writing 101 should be no less than 500 words and no more than 5000.
Writing Tips should be more than 10 but less than 200 words
We have templates that we want the author to use.
Want to contribute? Fill out the form below and give me your "elevator pitch"
Fill out the form below and you will get a response from (Do NOT send any information until you get a response to your request).
*There is no compensation for being a contributor except for being a contributor. However, all authors of an article get a byline. The author of the article's name, Business Name, and website. All italicized at the end of the article. The Title will also say "by ... author name."
Full sheet Advertisement for ONE issue is $25.00
Half sheet advertisement for ONE issue is $15.00
Classifieds: (TBD)
Reoccurring advertisement (6 issues per year)
Yearly full sheet $125.00
Yearly half sheet $75.00
Classified Advertising: $5 per line (including title), up to 7 words (35 characters) per line. (Use Classified form below for classified advertising ONLY)
Sample of Full Sheet Ad Sample of Classified Page Sample of Half Sheet Ad
Fill out the form below and you will get a response from (Do NOT send any information until you get a response to your request).
Writing Tips Page
This page will have some writing tips, or an "if I knew then, what I know now about ..." (writing, publishing, etc) section.
Authors can contribute by filling out the form below and selecting "Writing Tip" and the author will receive a response to get the information about the tip or "if I knew then, what I know now about ..." segment. Repeat tips will not be posted. Authors will be informed if their tip is selected and what issue that will be released in.
Fill out the form below and you will get a response from Do NOT send any information until you get a response to your request).
Authors Promotions Page
Author Promotion page (From package of Genesis Literary Promotions). One FULL page AD about author and book. (Option on GLP) $30 (paid as part of package for Genesis Literary Promotions
Literary Censorship
This section will featured a read and reviewed banned book (by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews) , and its information.
Amy's True Crime Reads
This section will featured a read and reviewed True Crime Book by Amy Shannon. It may also be featured on Amy's Reel True Crime Reviews website (if it has a connected true crime show or movie).
Book Reviewer Contributors
This section will be for other reviewers that wish to contribute to the magazine. Contributions are free. If the reviewer wants an advertisement about their blog, if they contribute, they can get a half page of advertising for free. The magazine will accept up to 6 reviews per contributor, per issue, so send your best recommendations.
Editorial or Informational
The section will feature an editorial written by Amy Shannon or a contributing author. It may also feature some information that is important to literary professionals.
Writing 101
The section will share knowledge and information about writing in general, teach writers something the didn't know, or share experiences with character or plot development. (Contributors also welcome).
Writing Challenges
Sometimes the magazine will have an issue with a writing challenge, and then ask the writer to share their challenge with the magazine, and it will be published.
Form for Literate-Ly Magazine
Please note that Literate-Ly magazine will NOT accept articles or contributions that have vulgar language in it. So, please, write your contribution cleanly, without even the smallest cuss-word.