Amy Shannon is a writer, professional book reviewer, editor, literary promoter, and Literary consultant. She has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English, a Master of Arts Degree in Adult Education and Training, and Masters of Business Administration with Accounting Degree. Amy offers editing, proofreading and formatting services. I have editing experience in academics and technical writing, and fiction and non-fiction work. Amy will edit most any documents. Amy editing services consist of content, copy, and editorial feedback editing.
Amy now offers social media management services, which entail a social media consultation, and then other services to help authors create and/or maintain their social media. Amy also has Marketing Plan and Business Plan documentation services to help professionals map out their goals for one book or many.
​Just a note that any manuscripts or documents sent, will be confidential. Amy will not disclose any or all of the content that is read or edited. After the author sends confirmation that he/she has gotten the final product, the document will be deleted, and the printed version, shredded.
Professional Services
Click on the PDF icon to view my résumé .
Editing Services
Editing services include academic papers (APA or MLA format), professional documents, résumés, manuscripts, or any other type of document. Editing services can also include document formatting for publishers such as Kindle (Amazon), Smashwords, Lulu.com, or Amazon Print.
Price estimates are based on the number of pages (1.20 spaced), with a font of Times New Roman. Document size (Letter or 8x11)
**When necessary will work within the author's editing budget.
++If documents that are sent and do not meet the requirement, will be formatted by Amy, and the price may change.
Below there are different editing processes. You can select all of them or just one of them. Amy is also accepting new clients for exclusive editing.
Editing Process: (per page, 50,000 words or less)
1: Content editing ($2 per page)
2: Copyediting: Language, grammar, punctuation ($1 per page)
3: Editorial Feedback: Final draft of the book, proofreading to check for typos and formatting issues (Flat Rate: $75.00)
​2 weeks (or less) per process
If the document’s author wants more than one of the editorial processes, it will be $3 per page, plus $75.
Editing Process: (per page, 50,001 words to 100,000 words)
1: Content editing ($3 per page)
2: Copyediting: Language, grammar, punctuation ($2 per page)
3: Editorial Feedback: Final draft of the book, proofreading to check for typos and formatting issues (Flat Rate: $75.00)
3 weeks (or less) per process
If the document’s author wants more than one of the editorial processes, it will be $4 per page, plus $75.
Editing Process: (per page, 100,000 words or more)
1: Content editing ($4 per page)
2: Copyediting: Language, grammar, punctuation ($3 per page)
3: Editorial Feedback: Final draft of the book, proofreading to check for typos and formatting issues (Flat Rate: $100.00)
6 - 8 weeks per process
If the document’s author wants more than one of the editorial processes, it will be $5 per page, plus $75.
Final Editorial Feedback
After the editing is completed and the file is given back to the author, the author has the option, after making whatever corrections, to send the book back for a complete read-through and final edit. (all books will also get a review to be posted on Amy's Bookshelf Reviews when the book is released.)
If you just want Editorial Feedback for your document, it is $1 per page. (page requirements listed above)
​Amy's Process:
Use the contact form at the bottom of the page and add to the subject line "Editing Services"
Give basic details of your book, page count (and half pages still count as full, blanks do not), and word count. We can discuss either through email, or virtually using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or even Facebook Messenger Video.
Amy will respond for more information within 48 hours (usually sooner depending on the day and time (EST)). After that, Amy will communicate via email, virtual meetings, or both. Amy will even give you a sample of my editing, so you can send Amy a chapter, and Amy will be glad to edit for you for free.
​Payment: PayPal Invoice. You will be invoiced from Essence Enterprises.
Half payment is due upfront, the rest when the first editing process is complete.
​For each book title, Amy will provide a contract, for you to review, and sign. Amy will sign and send you back a copy.
The price based on your document will be sent, and payment instructions as well, as well as turnaround time for when it will be completed.
There are different ways that Amy edits documents, and Amy will use the one that works best for you. Amy also wants you to tell her if there are things you want her to look for, such as character development, any unanswered questions, things like that.
​Amy also, and this is free and not included in any of the prices, after reading the FINAL version, will write a review for the book. The author can get a copy of the review that will be posted by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews, and when the book's release goes live, it will be posted on that date (and in many different places). See Amy's Bookshelf Reviews requests and policies page.
All of Amy's services are on my portfolio at https://writeramyshannon.wixsite.com/amyshannon
Formatting Services:
Formats documents to meet requirements for Smashwords, Lulu.com, Kindle or KDP Paperback, Hardcover or Amazon Vella (short episodic stories), 50 US dollars per documents up to 50,000 words, 75 US dollars for documents 50,001 or more words. (If you wish to have formatting added to your final editing, it is an extra $30.)
Formatting services can also be based on what the author affords.
$25 Social Media Consultation:
The Initial Consultation is to review the social media, websites and other sites the client may have. Also, gain information about the client and verify information. This process is to visually examine the platforms, and also check for errors, or broken links, and out dated information.
Use the contact me form and type in "social media consult" and in the message let Amy know what type of review you are looking for.
Social Media Management: (Platforms are ONLY Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Amazon Author page)
Flat Fee: ($39 per item) One time service
Create a Social Media Platform
Create a Landing page (or portfolio page)
Create an Amazon Author page
Social Media Platforms:
Each platform price is per month. Option to be billed monthly or paid annually up front. If paid annually, there is a 35% discount on each package. The price is per social media platform.
FACEBOOK ($39 per month) ($299 Annually)
TWITTER ($39 per month) ($299 Annually)
LINKEDIN ($39 per month) ($299 Annually)
INSTAGRAM ($29 per month) ($219 Annually)
Extra Add-ons:
Images, Logos, Banners and advertising graphics creations ($25 per image)
Amazon Author Page Bio ($39)
Creating an Amazon Author Page ($49)
Website Author Bio ($39)
YouTube page ($49)
$30 Marketing Plan (price per book title):
A marketing plan can help plan out promotions, who to hire, budgets, social media and website information, and also be a place to keep all information in one place that pertains to one book title. The Marketing plan is per book. Use the form and type in Marketing Plan.
$75 Business Plan/Strategy (up to four book titles)
A Business Plan can help plan out promotions, who to hire, budgets, social media and website information, and also be a place to keep all information in one place. If there is more than four book titles, there will be an extra $10 charge per extra book. Use the Contact Amy form and type in Business Plan.
Complete Literary Package (OBAS, ABSR, GLP)**
The packages based on word and approximate page count.
Each package contains:
Up to 50,000 words
50,001 to 100,000 words
100,001 plus words
1: Content editing
2: Copyediting: Language, grammar, punctuation
3: Editorial Feedback: Final draft of the book, proofreading to check for typos and formatting issues
Cover Reveal (3 teasers and one reveal) On three blogs, OBAS, Olympus Blog, and The Write View blog)
Book Trailer
Book review (free)
Video Review
Release Date week Promotion
Review posted on the release date (widely)
5-day social media promotions (FB, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn)
5-day Blog promotions on three blogs, OBAS, Olympus Blog, and The Write View blog
Actual Value:
Up to 50,000 words = $1145
50,001 to 100,000 words = $1395
100,001 plus words = $1645
Up to 50,000 words = $1000
50,001 to 100,000 words = $1200
100,001 plus words = $1500
*Price per book page count. (Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1.2 line spacing)
**These services are sold separately between Amy Shannon’s Professional Services, Genesis Literary Promotions, and Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews