Every story is worth reading. Every great story is worth finishing.
Established 2014. Honest, ethical & free reviews.
Over 2550 Titles Reviewed. 1537 authors,
including 467 Legacy Authors, around the globe served.


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Amy's Bookshelf Reviews How-To Videos
What is Amy's Bookshelf Reviews?
Navigating Amy's Bookshelf Reviews
The videos explain what exactly is Amy's Bookshelf Reviews and how it works for authors. This is a review business, but it is not-for-profit, and created to help authors get reviews, and help promote their work.
Amy's Bookshelf Reviews is more than just reviews, but has features that can enhance an author's experience or review. Amy's Bookshelf Reviews is not just a review service, it's a review service that has been in business since 2014, and accepts most genres (with a few minor exceptions if the book promotes hatred of any kind). It is also a service that also helps authors find their way when they need assistance, and they can also use this site for promotion, not just with the reviews, but the top 10 books, the top 20 authors, featured book of the month, and new website features the promote Poets, Children and Young adult authors, and True Crime books. (And there may be more to come...)
How to get the direct link to your review (when you are the one writing the review).
How to get "clean" links or URLS for your amazon, goodreads and other links to your book.
How to get the direct link of a social media post.
How to request a review on Amy's Bookshelf Reviews
Where does Amy's Bookshelf Reviews post reviews and share them?
This is a video to show authors (new and Legacy authors, and even representatives) how to request a review from Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.
This video shows authors where Amy's Bookshelf Reviews will post the author's reviews. It also shows where the review is shared directly from the blog post on Amy's Bookshelf Review's website. All reviews are created in a blog post.
Amy's Bookshelf Reviews describes "Amy's Library"
Amy's Bookshelf Reviews Review Policies and Request procedures.
What is Amy's Library on Amy's Bookshelf Reviews blog? Well, this video answers that question. Recently, the library was updated with new shelves.
This video shows the review requests policies and procedures.