Every story is worth reading. Every great story is worth finishing.
Established 2014. Honest, ethical & free reviews.
Over 2550 Titles Reviewed. 1537 authors,
including 467 Legacy Authors, around the globe served.


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Welcome To Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.
Amy's Bookshelf Reviews was established in 2014.
Amy's Bookshelf Reviews is a not-for-profit business, as Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews does NOT charge for reviews. Amy's Bookshelf Reviews is a professional review website, which accepts review requests from any author, and accepts most genres (with a few minor exceptions if the book promotes hatred of any kind). There are policies and procedures to follow. This website has been in service since 2014, and the first books reviewed were done in 2013, and added to this site.
The mission of Amy's Bookshelf Reviews is to help promote authors and allow them to share their stories using my reviews. #ABSRreviewsMatter and they are very important for authors. Reviews can be the baseline for promoting and selling an author's work.
Amy's Bookshelf Reviews reviews examine the characters, story and plotlines, and the author's writing and storytelling abilities.
Amy Shannon owns and operates Amy's Bookshelf Reviews has experience with being an writer with over 30 years experience. Since 2014, while reading and writing reviews, Amy also is an editor (for any type of document or manuscript), co host of a podcast, and a literary promoter, and that's just for starters.
Need Help with any literary process? I am now a Literary Consultant. Over the years, I have had a lot of questions presented by authors, wondering what to do next, or sometimes, they have so much going on at once, they don't know what to do or who to trust. Well, I am that person you can trust, even if you don't know it. I want to help authors, do research for authors, and see where they may need to build their brand. (I have other services I offer, as well, and details are on my portfolio at https://essenceenterpriseus.com/portfolio
If you are interested, you can email me directly or fill out the contact form at the bottom of that link's page.