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Honors for you, Authors!


I know I asked yesterday for testimonials, and we'll see if I get any, but the signed books are honor enough, so they are displayed on that page.

I was thinking about something, and I should've thought about it before, so I'm sorry. Anyway, if your book, or you as an author have won any awards, I'd like to know about it. If I've already read your work, and then you got an award, just let me know. I have created an "honorable" author page on my website, so that I can display your award, book title, author name, and year of it. Graphics of the award and book cover would be great, and even better, a photo of you or your brand. (However, this doesn't go for "best-selling status). I'd like seeing the awards and how your work has progressed.

Send me an email at and write "award" in the subject line, and details in the body.

Also, if you are a Legacy author, and have not requested your "Legacy" badge with your name on it, email me and tell me, and I'll get one out to you. If you're a legacy friend, the same thing, just let me know what name to put on the badge.

If you're interested in any of the other badges I have created, such as the banned books, reviews matter, I read banned books, stop censorship, they are only $5.00. I have used them to create stickers and even transparencies for tee-shirts and tote bags, so you can use them, too if you wish for that purpose. There is a new page where you can purchase them directly and then I'll send the badge to you. There are a few new ones such as a review graphic. All are only 5.00 (US)

Anyway, I look forward from hearing from you.

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Amy's Bookshelf Reviews is getting its own website soon. The old website will still be up and running to keep the reviews where they are...


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Blog Established in 2014


Last Updated 2022. Everything published on this website is sole based on the opinion and services of Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.

©Copyright 2017 Amy Shannon. All badges and Logos of Amy's Bookshelf Reviews are property of Amy Shannon of Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. This does not cover book covers (those are owned by the author). Anyone wanting access to one of the Badges on the site, can contact Amy Shannon. This site does not allow right click functionality.

Images, Graphics and Videos created by Essence Publishing (sole proprietor, Amy Shannon, as Essence Enterprises

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