3 Stars Intelligent & Real
This book seemed hard to get into at the beginning, but I'm glad I read it all the way through. Written in third person, it tells the story of Henriette, and her struggle. Her struggle with sexuality, and tension in her own family. Henriette has amazing strength and courage, and her own psychosis. I really enjoyed this book and admit that I had to reread a few parts over to gain some focus and clarity, but it was there. There were a few parts that were a bit confusing, but I got to the end, and can say that I liked it. It starts in the 1920s and extends over the years from there. She was a writer. A true to heart writer, and I liked that about her. She may have strayed away for a while, but she remains true to herself. "Time began to feel enchanted, without beginning or end, like a single note that sings itself forever." Good book.