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Selfhood: Varieties of Experience: an anthology for the faint of heart (An anthology with Contributi


5 Stars Amazing Anthology

This was an amazing collection of poetry and prose from the contributing authors. This reader could tell that the selection process must have been a painstakingly long process to choose just the right contributions. This was definitely thoughtfully put together. I read each one, and chose a few of my own favorites. "Perception at the Faultline" by Bonnie Emerick certainly caught my eye, and I read it a few times. "The Art of Life" by Robert Milton Ingram was intense and a prose of storytelling, and I love a good story. And sometimes just a few words say a lot, such as "Desiderata" by Maria Keane. Read it once and then read it again.

Contributing authors: Ajise Vincent Alan Catlin Ananya Bhattacharya Ananya Guha Anina Robb Anya Ezhevskaya Atreya Sarma Uppaluri Bekah Steimal Bernadette McBride Bitan Chakraborty Bonnie Emerick Christa Pandey Christine O’Leary Rockey Cindy Rinne Claudine Nash Diane DeGaetani Diane Sahms-Guarnieri Dillon McKinsey Don Beukes Dustin Pickering Elena botts Elijah B. Pringle, III Elina Petrova Elizabeth Esguerra Castillo Gopal Lahiri Henry Reneau, jr. Ivonne Gordon Jack McCabe Jake Tringali Jason Wright Jennifer Lagier Jim Landwehr Joan McNerney John Guzlowski K. Satchidanandan Katherine Sanger Kaushik Acharya Kiriti Sengupta Koushik Sen Lana Bella Lily Tierney Linda Woolven Lucy Wilson Lyn Coffin Lyn Lifshin Lynette G. Esposito Lynn White Margaret Anderegg Maria Keane Marlena Johns Mary Madec Michael Enevoldsen Mike Baldwin Mohammad Nurul Huda Nathan Hassall Niladri Mahajan P C K Prem Padmaja Iyengar Prabha Prabhu Rev. Jane Wenninger Robert Milton Ingram Sandi Stromberg Sandra Kolankiewicz Sandra Kolankiewicz Sasha Kamini Parmasad Sharmila Ray Sharmistha Ghosh Sheikha A. Shernaz Wadia Sunila Khemchandani Susan Beall Summers Sylvia Riojas Vaughn Troy Camplin Usha Akella Vihang A. Naik Wendy Johnson Yuan Changming

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