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The Bimbo Has Brains... and Other Freaky Facts by Cathy Burnham Martin

5 Stars

Wonderfully written.

This book was wonderfully written. The minute I read the Prologue, I immediately connected with the author. I, too, could relate to her experience, and this made me want to keep reading. I am so glad I did. Martin brings a lot of humor and experience to this book, and the experiences are real. I can't say this is a self-help book, it is filled with experiences that can help during even the most darkest of times in ones life. This book is about real relationships and the concepts of the relationship. Anyone will enjoy this book if they have been or are in a relationship, and seems like it is out of the norm. Besides, what's normal anyway? I highly recommend reading this book from beginning to end, and then revisiting the chapters that you most relate to.


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