5 stars
Thought provoking & inspirational
Whether or not you know who Alan Alda is, or what you may or may not think
of his acting, this book is for those who just want to experience experience, and maybe gain some inspiration. This book certainly gave me that. I read his first book, "Never have your dog stuffed" and love it, but I think I loved this one more. Something about sharing in experiences and insight, especially "listening" to his speeches and thoughts on a variety of subjects, but the main subject is life. As he writes, "the meaning of life is life." I was caught by those words and went back a few pages, and saw where I actually highlighted a thought of his (I read the paperback copy) so I also dog-eared the page. "(1) find someone to laugh with. (2) find something to laugh at (yourself is always good) (3) keep moving". I was truly inspired by this read.