Authors: Cara Fox, Brandon L. Summers, Steve Cameron, Terri Bruce, Paul K. Metheney, Timothy Vincent, Michael J. Hultquist, Robert James, A.G Lopes, T. Gillmore, Douglas Clark, J.M Williams, S.R. Betler, S.D. Hintz, J. Ryan Blesse, J.M. Williams, Carrie Gessner, Robert Petyo, Shaun Avery, EB Pollock, Devin Bradley, JCC Downing, LJ Hippler
5 Stars
An incredibly amazing anthology.
Every author in this anthology should be commended for their work in this
collection. Bringing in life and death into a collection of stories, all by different authors, and how their writing is varies, but brings to life, this grand collection. I believe there was a lot of thought into what authors would be contributing their work, and how this work will be displayed. I've read each of the 23 stories, and enjoyed each one. The love of life, humanity, mankind, and then the fear of death and what is beyond. I liked each story, but a couple of them stand out for me. S. D. Hintz's "The Devil's Embrace", was powerful and something unnerving, but it was an exceptional piece of work. There is something about Gil's fascination with his neighbor Morton. Another story that I enjoyed, so much I read it a couple of times is Robert James's "In Dark Places." It was well-written and compelling. The kind of story that hits on emotions, especially when she answered the phone of her late husband. Each story was glorious in of itself, and I am glad that I was able to read such brilliant works of art.