5 Stars
Absolutely amazingly terrifying
The book intrigued me when the author was nominated for one of my Best
Indie Titles of 2017 awards on my author blog, and the author was nice enough to share the story with me for a review. The first thing I had to do is figure out what the Minotaur was, and according to Greek mythology, it's a bull-headed monster. So, that definitely helped when starting this book.
I'm a fan of Greek Myths, but do not know all the monsters, so this was also a learning experience. The story, however, was intriguing and wonderfully written. A modern day chilling story, with a mythical twists that brings in the old myths. Enter into the darkness of humanity and it all it's thrilling, and horrific talents. This is one of those captivating and riveting stories that you may want to read again and again. I see why it was recommended to me.