First Posted: 9/2016
5 Stars
Absolutely Stunning!
Kretchmer put together a grand collection of stories, and the focus is women. Women of all ages, shapes, sizes and strengths. Typical women! There are stories and prose, an enhancement to normal storytelling. I really enjoyed this collection. It was so easy to relate to the women and the stories, and how to find ones inner strength, even when we don't think there is any strength left. I have to admit that my favorite was "Writing Therapy" but I enjoyed all of them. I loved the "session" and when it was over, "When Raina stood, she felt chilled. Naked. Exposed and rejected. As though she’d been ripped open and also handed a heavy load of guilt and shame. A load she would now have to carry all by herself throughout the next week." I reread this story a few times before moving on.