4 Stars
I just love the Vampires
First, I love Nowak's work, and I read the story of Fatal Infatuation through her release of the novellas, Captivating Vampires, Tempting Transgressions, Venomous Revelations. I've looked at the three different reviews for each novella, and am including portions of those thoughts in this review, and some of my new thoughts on the story. Every time I read a story about vampires and the brush with the paranormal, I find something different. I love that. Each author who writes about vampires writes about their own version of vampires. Yes, there are some things that all vampires have in common, after all they are vampires. All are blood suckers, some do it for lust, some do it for sex, some do it to feed and some do it to survive. Cain is a vampire and he used to be human. As for Felicity, I think she's a little naive and a bit of a whiner, but that's part of her charm. If you like vampires and the different ways they interact with humans, or if they were once humans, and now, they are "almost humans", you will get addicted to this series. An evolving story about Cain and Felicity and how they may be even closer or driven apart. The story of Cain and Felicity will keep the reader captivated, I know it did me. Charming, intriguing, and just all out full of vampiric velocity as they reach the line between undead and human, and maybe a bit unhuman.