4 Stars
Very heart wrenching, and heart-provoking
If you've been in an abusive relationship, you know there is a difference between a "bad" one and an "abusive" one. They are definitely not the same. I wasn't quite sure what to expect and what personal feelings of my own would be triggered when I read this book. But, I read it. Each situation is different, no matter what is experienced or what the culture is, it is different. No one can live in another's shoes. This book provides experiences of the author, and shares the culture, and the abuse. It is not just cathartic for the author, but it provides tips and information for those in similar situations. One sentence stuck with me, even as I read through the book, "The constant slapping, punching and arguments made me not want him in the house." The author is strong and brave for sharing the story but also trying to help others. There are four steps in the process that the author provides, and I'm very familiar with step four, as it is a continual process for survival and living.