4 Stars
The vampiric addiction continues
First, I love Nowak's work, and I read the story of Born to Blood through her release of the novellas, Vampiress Rising, Exceeding Expectations, Coping with Chaos and Vampire Vertigo. I've looked at the three different reviews for each novella, and am including portions of those thoughts in this review, and some of my new thoughts on the story. It's a new series and new characters, new vampires. Cain and Allie are still integral parts of the series, and this lends to more details about Allie and her decision. Sometimes becoming the vampire is just the beginning of the story. It's not necessary to read the first series before starting this one, but it's highly recommended. It gives a feel for the main characters and how they interact with other characters. Those who love vampires and the connection with almost humans and humans will enjoy these stories. They are far from typical. It's full of intrigue and connections with characters and how they react to secrets and being on the verge of humanity. The undead or the almost humans have a connection with humans, and the relationships can be impulsive, loyal, and sometimes tumultuous, but filled with intrigue. Truly worth the read if you're into the undead, and semi-humans. Very addictive!