4 Stars
Powerfully Addictive!
First, I love Nowak's work, and I read the story of Destined for Divinity through her release of the novellas, Home of the Bloodthirsty Enemies and Allies, Vicious Survival, and Divining Destiny. I've looked at the three different reviews for each novella, and am including portions of those thoughts in this review, and some of my new thoughts on the story. here is a change in the character and it shows growth and depth. Something in this story really impacts the reader, and the characters, and there is a dramatic cause and effect. The characters have depth and soul. Cain is a strong, powerful vampire, but is faced with a life-changing decision, that not only affects him, but others as well. All the characters that are involved in the story have their own story and are also connected with each other. This is a very indicative story about the consequences of ones morals and any decisions that one must make. Nowak keeps the reader engaged throughout each story, looking forward to more. The writing and storytelling and showing the audience these characters, is amazing. Giving the readers the insight into the fine line between humanity and immortality, and each has its own flaws and perfections.