4 Stars
Interesting premise
Turn about is fair play is an interesting story that brings to light how a crush on someone out of reach, and turn into an obsession and focus on only that person. Tracy is such a person, wanting to do out of the norm steps to get what she wants. Robinson pens a good story and it is very well written. A lot of the story is dialogue driven, and I like that, as I do similar type of writing. The dialogue also flows like dialogue and conversation, and isn't stilted or too formal. Tracy is looking for a love connection, and the story works. It's relatable, and captivating, as anyone can almost relate to Tracy's feelings. The characters have great depth and a connection to each other, so the aspects of the blog make sense. "keep saying and doing all the right things but in the end the potion is the glue that keeps us together. And he just reminded me that I’m nothing without it. I am not a beauty, I am not special, and I’m certainly not worthy of him.” It's definitely an unpredictable story with many turns that make for a good story. I look forward to reading more by this new author.