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A Genuine Mistake by Ted Tayler

5 Stars

Another Great Cold Case!

Tayler pens a grand story in A Genuine Mistake, the latest and greatest book (volume 12) in his Freeman Files series. I've read pretty much all of Tayler's stories, and enjoyed each one, immensely. Gus and his team are on a new "unsolvable" murder case that ends up with way too many suspects, and that's all I'm say. Gus is a flawed and realistic character, and it shows with his relationships with his team, as well as anyone he encounters. It's a team made of chemistry and trust, and in the law enforcement business, you need that. Love this story. If you love a good, no scratch that, great detective and thrilling story, this book should be next on your list. This story was intriguing and kept the reader guessing. This read is so engrosssing, it brings you right in the middle of the story. This read is more than just words on a page. A Genuine Mistake is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading many more stories by this author.


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