Full Title: Adventure by Chicken Bus: An Unschooling Odyssey through Central America by Janet LoSole
4 Stars
Quite the Adventure
LoSole pens a title in about her and her family's harrowing "homeschool-field trip" in Adventure by Chicken Bus: An Unschooling Odyssey through Central America. I've homeschooled my children, brought them on field trips, but never thought about diving into Central America. It would sound like an interesting fiction story, but it happened, the ups and downs, practically crawling through the jungle with two children and a husband. Wow. I like how the author told this story, it reads very detailed, and she also shares those perspective of parenting of travelling with young children. What a journey, and yes, quite the adventure. Not all of it was harrowing, and I'm sure those travels have created memories that last a lifetime, and documenting it with this book, will allow it to be part of their legacy. I look forward to reading more by this author. Adventure by Chicken Bus: An Unschooling Odyssey through Central America is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.
