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An Author's Guide to Online Marketing, Second Edition by Lynn Marie Thompson

Full Title: An Author's Guide to Online Marketing, Second Edition: Top elements of marketing on the Web and how you can use them to sell more books! by Lynn Marie Thompson

5 Stars

Packed with useful information!

Thompson pens a very informative title in the second edition of An Author's Guide to Online Marketing. I did read the first edition, and was happy to read the book again, and see what information was added. I like that the author, who is a literary professional of the finest, can update the book as information is added or some can be removed if out of date. I bought this book so I would have a copy of it in arm's reach, when I needed it. It actually came to me at the right time, as I needed a bit of information this provided. It's about marketing and selling books, but can be used by others, not just authors. I'm a former author, and I am looking into new ventures, and this is the book I needed to read. I will continue to use it as a grand resource, and when it's updated again, get that one as well. An Author's Guide to Online Marketing, Second Edition: Top elements of marketing on the Web and how you can use them to sell more books! is a definite recommendation by The After Show with McKensie Stewart and Amy Shannon, as well as Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading many more stories by this author.


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