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Audiobook: Hell Holes: What Lurks Below by Donald Firesmith

Audiobook: Narrated by: Gary Tredwell

4 Stars

Good foundation for fantasy

Firesmith tells a good story in Hell Holes: What Lurks Below. The concept of this story was good, and the story was enjoyable. To me, it's a cross between sci-fi slash fantasy and horror. It had a long build-up but it was well written. It felt like it had a lot of different things that were going on, maybe a little too much. Firesmith writes a good story, and there were probably several going on within this one. It was a good read, very thrilling at times. I did read the story, and enjoyed it, but I also really enjoyed this audiobook. The characters were raw and very relatable. This author brings the stories to life, and now that it's on audio, there is a real feeling of story, and it was narrated very well. I liked reading the story, but really enjoyed listening to it. Hell Holes: What Lurks Below on audiobook is a definite listening recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to listening to many more stories by this author.


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