4 Stars Great sequel Taylor pens a great story in Blood of the Covenant, which means the witches are back. I read the first book in this series, and really liked it. The characters were interesting and very unique. I love the witches, and their stories. The story brings in the believable, even if almost impossible. It's a fantastical story with Excalibur, Lady, and Mary, and, of course, the devil. This author is not just a writer but a great storyteller. It's a great story to follow and try to figure out what will happen next. This author's characters develop and interacts well with the other characters, no matter the good or the evil or even the in between. I have fast become a big fan of Taylor. I look forward to reading more by this author. This book is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. #4Stars #Taylor #Witches #Vol2
