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Born for Life: Midwife in Africa by Julie Watson


5 Stars

Powerfully life-giving

Watson pens a magnetic memoir in Born for Life: Midwife in Africa. I have read work from this author before, and I learned even more about this life-giving woman. This book gives a lot of information about the author's journey in Zambia, Africa. She is a midwife, and spent many months taking care of women and their children, babies. I must say that it is awe-inspiring, not just the work that Julie does, but where she does it, and how she does it. I find her compassionate ten-fold. The story is not just a story, it's the truth as Julie writes about her experiences. Tragedy, triumphs, and definite courage of this author, and how she writes it, telling the world of the culture, and what many African women may be missing, but she gave her all. Children were born alive, women were getting prenatal care, probably for the first time, and live births excelled. A very heart-fulfilling, heart-breaking and joyous adventure. Extremely emotional journey. Born for Life: Midwife in Africa is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading many more stories by this author.


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