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CJ Bahr- Redeemed By Fire

5 Stars

Superb writing!

What a magnetic story in Redeemed By Fire by CJ Bahr. This is book three in the Fire Chronicles series, and I hope it is not the final, but you never know. I really enjoyed the stories that came before this one. Each book is a standalone, but it's always better to read the first one in a series, and the complete series. That's what I do, or at least try to do. But, now about the story. We meet Cassanne and she meets Lucas. So, here we are, in New Orleans, and it is not only lingering with supernatural beings, but one who sets sights on Casi, and happens to also be a serial killer. Yes, a supernatural serial killer, so I guess once they're dead, they may continue on. I loved this story. I love Bahr's writing style, the layers and depths of plotlines, and of course, the characters. They're believable, and since I believe in the supernatural or whatever is there after death, I believed the soul of evil can follow someone into death. Secrets, lies, death and spirits, is just the beginning for this intense, and magnetic read. Read it from cover to cover! This story was very unpredictable. It is always an honor to read this author's books. It's a great story to follow and try to figure out what will happen next. I cannot wait to read more books by this author. Redeemed By Fire is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.


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