4 Stars
A grand whodunit
What an interesting mystery in The Murder of Mr. Wickham by Claudia Gray. Jane Austen was definitely the inspiration for the story, as her characters, come and join a party. However, Mr. Wickham, isn't invited, but the villain comes anyway, and then everyone becomes suspects in his murder. No one liked him, but who hated him enough to kill him. It is an entertaining, suspenseful, country mystery and unpredictable. Each suspect, I mean, the character was interesting and had his or her own personality, and motive. It is a very well-written plot, and I enjoyed it. It’s one of those embraceable stories. I really enjoyed this story. I look forward to reading more books by this author. This author is a great storyteller. The Murder of Mr. Wickham is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I read this book and give my honest and unbiased review.
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