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Dancing in the Narrows ... by Anna Penenberg

Full Title: Dancing in the Narrows: A Mother-Daughter Odyssey Through Chronic Illness by Anna Penenberg

5 Stars

Remarkable Story

Penenberg pens a heart-filled title in Dancing in the Narrows: A Mother-Daughter Odyssey Through Chronic Illness. This is the first book of this author's that I've read. The book gives insight into the struggle of a mother and daughter's relationship, while dealing with a chronic illness. It's a memoir that not only shows the truth behind the facades, but the depth of struggle along with hope and faith, and support. This also details the lengths a mother would go through in order to save her child. This is definitely worth the read. As someone who has a chronic illness, this story gave me inspiration, and even a hint of faith. Dancing in the Narrows is not just a detailed adventure into the lives of Anna and Dana, and their family, but also inspiring as well. I look forward to reading more by this author. This book is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.

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