Full Title: Daniel Green- 30 Days with the Father: A Devotional to Discover How Heaven Can Follow You Everywhere
4 Stars
What an Inspirational title in 30 Days with the Father: A Devotional to Discover How Heaven Can Follow You Everywhere by Daniel Green. I am a fan of this author! This book gives a lot of information about a relationship with God. It's a devotional book, and how to maintain a constant connection with God, and the writings of scripture in the bible. I found that no matter what you believe in, what religion you are, your faith and beliefs can be almost recharged when reading this book. It's about a how you feel inside, and what you feel toward God, your God. The author wants you to experience heaven and follow this 30-day journey. It is truly inspirational. 30 Days with the Father: A Devotional to Discover How Heaven Can Follow You Everywhere is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading more titles by this author.
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