Genre: Memoir/Faith
4 Stars
Interesting Memoir
What a inspirational title in od Through Binoculars: A Hitchhiker at a Monastery by Danusha Goska. I haven't read work from this author before, and I enjoyed this author's memoir. Through a life full of ups and downs, and tragedies, hope seemed to be lost for Danusha, the author of this memoir. It is about the life she lived, and how she discovered herself, and found her hope and faith again. Yes, it's about finding religion, but in a unique way, that is used as a focus point, and not an excuse for previously bad behavior. What I liked about this story is that it is real. This book gives a lot of information about her life, and what she also brings to her faith, and beliefs, as it is not one sided. I like that she has the courage to share her story, and maybe it can be helpful to others who have that hopelessness feeling. God Through Binoculars: A Hitchhiker at a Monastery is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading more titles by this author. I read this book to give my unbiased and honest review. Amy's Bookshelf Reviews recommends that anyone who reads this book, to also write a review.
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