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DAYS OF ELIJAH by Eliza Earsman


Full Title: DAYS OF ELIJAH A TRUE STORY by Eliza Earsman

5 Stars

Interesting story

Earsman pens a grand, religious and true story in Days of Elijah: A True Story. I've read many of Earsman's work and this one is separate from the rest. It's the true story of Elijah, and Freemasonry. Now, I have to admit that I looked up to see what Freemasonry meant just to make sure I understood every bit of what I was reading. This author did her research, and writes not only about God and His grace, but also is able to insert her feelings and passions in her writing. It was a grand read, and though I am not religious, I do have beliefs and faith. I would recommend everyone to read this book. It's not only about Christianity and Freemasonry, but also about having faith through struggles and tragedies of life. I learned a lot by reading this, and it was a page-turner that had to be read from beginning to end, even through the hardships. I look forward to reading more by this author. This book is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.


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