4 Stars
A grand read
Power pens an inspiring and emotional title in Don’t Shoot Your Future Self. This is the first book of this author's that I've read. The title intrigued me and was just the beginning on this journey. This book may be geared toward Veterans and their sacrifices as civilians, and how to just deal with life in general, leaving the battles on the battlefield. This can help many who suffer from anything that is both scarring, and jarring to one's life, and how the mentality of challenges can stay in the mind, and body. This title takes the reader on one man's journey, and the discover of self-worth, journey of life, by taking the key to turn life around toward success. It was a raw, and emotional read, and very relatable. I look forward to reading more by this author. Don’t Shoot Your Future Self is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.
