Full Title: Donna Y Ferris - We’ve Got to Stop Meeting Like This: A Memoir of Missed Connections
4 Stars
Great Read
What a fantastically written memoir in We’ve Got to Stop Meeting Like This: A Memoir of Missed Connections by Donna Y Ferris. This is the first book of this author's that I've read, and I enjoyed it. I like memoirs and biographies, and when they are told from the author's perspective, the reader can learn a lot about someone's "not-so-perfect" life, but one that is not only worth writing about, but worth reading about as well. Life is unexpected, just when it feels things will work out, something goes wrong, but also vice versa. Not everything is downhill. This memoir is emotionally charged, filled with mishaps, loss and grief, and the strength of trying to make it through. It's well written, and well told, and it can make you smile, or almost make you cry. It was an honor to read this author's story. We’ve Got to Stop Meeting Like This: A Memoir of Missed Connections is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I hope to read more books by this author.
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