Full Title: Future Widow: Losing My Husband, Saving My Family, and Finding My Voice by Jenny Lisk
5 Stars
Both heartbreaking and heart fulfilling
Lisk pens an incredible memoir in Future Widow: Losing My Husband, Saving My Family, and Finding My Voice. This is the first book of this author's that I've read. This memoir tells an incredible story, a very truthful and life-changing memoir. Lisk writes about her story, but it's not just her story of strength, and hopefulness, but it is also the life of her husband and her children. It's written well, and I like how Lisk kept it together by keeping an online journal. There is a lot to this journey, and through triumph and tragedies, Lisk kept her corner of the world together. I look forward to reading more by this author. This book is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.
