Hell Holes 2: Demons on the Dalton by Donald Firesmith
Narrated by: Gary Tredwell
5 Stars
Demon hunting at a w"hole" new level
Firesmith tells an intense, devil fighting, story in Hell Holes 2: Demons on the Dalton. I read the first book in the series a while ago, but after looking at my old notes on it, I liked this one a hell (pun intended) of a lot better. The characters were strong, and intelligent. This author brings the story to life. The characters had a lot of depth, and were very realistic, even the extremely old sorceress, Aileen. It's survival of the smartest and best, as the hounds of hell (and other magnificently evil creatures) emerge! This author is not just a writer but a great storyteller, and this story being told brings a new twist to the story. Even if you've read it, you're still surprised at every corner. The thrills and intrigue is clear, and the characterizations are engrossing. Love this story. If you love a good demonic fighting, evil against more than just the good, but the strength of humanity, this book should be next on your list. Hell Holes 2: Demons on the Dalton on audiobook is a definite listening recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to listening to many more stories by this author.
