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Ice and Bone: Tracking An Alaskan Serial Killer by Monte Francis

4 Stars

A justice failure

Francis writes about Joshua Wade, a serial killer in Alaska, in Ice and Bone: Tracking An Alaskan Serial Killer. Wade killed six women, mostly Native Alaskan, in the summer of 2003. Wade went on trial, and won, then started a new trek of killing. He was really the shadow, that evaded investigators and even conviction. Francis writes the story well, telling the details of Wade's destruction of life and justice. It's a very chilling story, and until I read this book, I hadn't heard of this particular serial killer. The justice system failed the victims he went on trial for and gave him more victims as he walked away. These kills were literally cold-blooded kills, without mercy. A very shocking story. Ice and Bone: Tracking An Alaskan Serial Killer is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading many more stories by this author.


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