5 Stars Heart breaking and heart fulfilling Holland pens a magnificent story in Inside a dog's mind: Penny's Journal. I absolutely love reading Holland's work, and this one was definitely a grand read. Penny is a border collie, and this reader finds how Penny's mind works, also what she has had to endure. Penny was abused by her caretaker, which we find out right away. It's a well-told story, and it brings a uniqueness that enters the "journal" of the dog. Made me want to just reach inside the book and pet Penny. A very well-written story, and I enjoyed it. It is always a joy to read this author's stories. This author is not just a writer but a great storyteller. This was an inspiring story. I love the perspective from this loving dog. A note that I like to mention is that fifty percent of the sales of this book are donated to dog rescue programs. I look forward to reading more by this author. This book is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. #5Stars #Holland #ReleaseDate
