5 Stars
When conspiracy goes all the way up to the top!!
What a magnetic story in The Silicon Gambit by Isabella Steel I have just become a big fan of this author! Whatever this author writes, I read. (And I was lucky enough to get another book of hers as a gift). I haven't read work from this author before, and I loved, loved, loved this story. Amy Radigan is a remarkable character, and definitely, though she's young, she is a force to be reckoned with. Amy is one of my new favorite strong characters!! This book deserves a second read! (and maybe more). It’s definitely un-put-downable! This title is a definite attention grabber, so much I couldn't put it down. The thrills and intrigue is written clearly. This story captures the reader's attention at chapter 1. The author's technique of raw, magnetic characters and great plotlines is a gift. It's a great story to follow and try to figure out what will happen next. This author's characters develop and interacts well with the other characters. Well, they certainly interact, but it's not always a pleasant connection. This is one book that is hard to put down, and the fact that Amy is a lead in other of Steel's works, makes me want to read hers more and more. The Silicon Gambit is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading many more stories by this author.
