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Joe Giambrone - DEMIGODS

5 Stars

I love a great supernatural story!

What a wonderful story in DEMIGODS by Joe Giambrone. I am a big fan of this author! As I am a big superhero fan, I know what dark matter is, and because I am a fan of supernatural stories, I just dove right into this book. Demigods, yes, a mythic (maybe) or legend of part God and part Human. This is a story I read cover to cover. The plot was a mix of survival, terrorism, and experimentation, creating something from a human, that is no longer human. This is where the word "super" in "supernatural" comes into play. Not everything is cut and dry, and there are a lot of twists, which brought this reader on a grand adventure, in a world where anything is probable. This author brings the story to life. I love it when a Legacy author sends me more of their work! The thrills and intrigue is written clearly. Action-packed and it takes the reader on a superb adventure. This read is so engrossing that it brings you right in the middle of the story. This read is more than just words on a page. Definitely an unpredictable story, my favorite kind! DEMIGODS is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading many more titles by this author.


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