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Karen A. Wyle- Wander Home

5 Stars


What a magnificently magnetic story in Wander Home by Karen A. Wyle. Life isn't any easier in the afterlife. You still have to deal with the memories, both good and bad of when you were alive. That goes for Cassidy, whose mother left her when she was young, but then Cassidy died. I liked Wyle's perception of the afterlife. It's a remarkable story, and the characters were interesting, and not one dimensional. We never knows what happens after death, and this could be one thing that happens. Who knows? I am a definite fan of this author! Whatever this author writes, I read. This author brings the story to life. It’s definitely un-put-downable! It is always an honor to read this author's books. This author is a great storyteller. The story brings the reader on a superb journey. The author's technique of raw, magnetic characters and great plotlines is a gift. It's a great story to follow and try to figure out what will happen next. This author's characters develop and interacts well with the other characters. Definitely an unpredictable story, my favorite kind! Wow! I hope to read more books by this author. Wander Home is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.


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