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Katie Zaber- DNA Demons N Angels

Full Title: Katie Zaber- DNA Demons N Angels: What to Expect When You're Expecting Something Different

Genre: Urban Fantasy/ Paranormal Romance

4 Stars

A new take on pregnancy and romance!

What a fun and interesting story in DNA Demons N Angels: What to Expect When You're Expecting Something Different by Katie Zaber. I've read work from Zaber before. I like that this book's title is a play on a famous title for pregnant women, and it draws the reader in. Now, DNA has a new meaning, and it shows the story. I really enjoyed reading this, and it was fun, and yet, there was that tone of paranormal, especially when pregnant by either a demon or angel. Possession takes its toll, but the outcome could be a miracle. This author has a great imagination and I'm glad it's being shared with stories. The story brings in the believable, even if almost impossible. Both thrilling and intriguing, all the way to the end. It shows that not everything is all evil or all good. I am a definite fan of this author! DNA Demons N Angels: What to Expect When You're Expecting Something Different is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I read this book to give my unbiased and honest review. Amy's Bookshelf Reviews recommends that anyone who reads this book, to also write a review.


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