Genre: MM Romance
Steamy and very explorative!
What a grand romantic mm story in Sailor Boy by Kris Jacen. This book is part of a multi-author All American Boys series, a set of 9 books. I've read MM romance stories from Jacen before, and I enjoyed reading this one. It, for one, fit the series of the All American "Boy," and introduces us to Kendall, and Jeremy of course, Kendall's daughter, Savy. It's the love of the seas and exploring that sets the tone for this series. Both with their own pasts, and then determining what the next step is, and if it's just having "fun in the sun." I am a fan of this author! This author brings the story to life. The characters had a lot of depth, and were very realistic. It’s one of those embraceable stories. It's a wonderful mm romance, and the chemistry between the characters are definitely not forced in writing. Sailor Boy is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.
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