5 Stars
A fun read
Stevenson pens a fun and interesting story in Luck Be A Lady: Bedazzled meets Date with an Angel. I have read work from this author before, and I really enjoyed it. The title seems so interesting, especially with Mason having the worse luck, with everything. Nothing is going right, and his alternative is not what "fate" has in store for him. It's a grand read, and it is written so well, and brilliantly, that even though it's a farce-type story, I see it more as a magical and even fantastical story. The story brings in the believable, even if almost impossible. It is always a joy to read this author's stories. This author is not just a writer but a great storyteller. The title drew me in, but the story made me stay. The author's technique of intense characters and great plotlines is a gift. It's a great story to follow and try to figure out what will happen next. I look forward to reading many more stories by this author. This book is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.
