5 Stars
Another wonderful Newman story
What a wonderfully story in Singing in Liquid Sunshine by Lynn F. Austin. I am a fan of this author, and Newman! Newman is such a lovely, excitable and happy dog. I wish I could meet him in person, as I would just love to watch his explorations. I love that his person is sharing Newman's stories, basically writing his biography. By sharing his adventures, and his love of life, and where he came from, it's amazing how he takes every moment as if its the best moment of his life. I love this one, reminds me of a little kid, wanting to step in every puddle, while playing in the rain. I have fallen in love with Newman and am a fan of his person. What a wonderful family they have. I look forward to reading more stories from Austin, and a lot of stories about Newman and his escapades through life. Singing in Liquid Sunshine is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.
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