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Maid by Stephanie Land

5 Stars

A well-written, honest memoir

This book is written in first person, the narrator being a newly single mother, and trying to go through the system of poverty, after realizing her last relationship was toxic. Netflix also has created a limited series (10 episode series) based on this book. The names and some of the situations have been changed. While I really enjoyed the show and its episodes, I enjoyed the book much more. This book tells the unfortunate story that so many have been through, domestic violence victims escaping, and having to start over because they relied on their previous partner for finances. It's not easy being poor, and it's definitely not easy being a single mother (I was a victim and then a single mother, but I earned the money, though he stole a lot of it.) Anyway, I didn't know if this book would be a trigger, but it wasn't. I think it is a must read for anyone, no matter who they are. This is the world of government assistance, WIC, SNAP benefits, and the search not just for housing but for a safe home, one that will not cause illness. This is such an inspiring story. She wrote the book well, and it brings to light some of the things that others may either not know about or want to know about. The After Show with McKensie Stewart & Amy Shannon is also doing a Write to Reel segment on this book and the limited series.


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