Genre: Memoir
5 Stars
Magnificently written memoir
What a magnificent title in Tapestry of My Mother’s Life by Malve von Hassell. I am a big fan of this author! And have read several of her books. von Hassel writes about her mother's life, and how the memories can be fragmented, and how because of her mother's life, living, surviving during the Nazi era of Germany, it affected generations of her family. The focus of the story is based on Christa's memories, and how they are put together through telling stories. It's the perception of the person living their life, and then talking about it. Tapestry definitely fits this title, and it is a un-put-downable story. The life she lived, sharing it with stories, memories, and memorabilia and artifacts saved from childhood. Christa lived a complex life, especially with how she grew up, and it affected her life there after and her children's life. The past can affect the future, and it's how the past is looked at. I really enjoyed reading this story, and I felt connected to a life's story that I had no part of. And now, I think it has affected me as well. Tapestry of My Mother’s Life is not just a true story, a magnificently written memoir, but also is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading more titles by this author.
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