5 Stars
Yes, Mann is back!
I am a huge fan of Private Detective Jarvis Mann. I am an even bigger fan of his creator, R Weir, so I was very excited and honored to read this new story, Mann in the Crossfire. I've read all of the Mann books, and will continue to read and follow this series. Mann tells his own story and this new one brings a new adventure into his normal life, of trying to pay his bills and solve his cases. I like how the story starts out, Mann just serving divorce papers to an angry cheating-husband, but it sets the stage for what may come next. I'll leave it like that, and I definitely enjoyed this story, full of action, adventure and definite quips and quirks of Jarvis Mann. I'm also very glad that Melissa is still in his life, and I wonder about his connection with April. What's the best part of the story is that it's about the case, but not just about his case. An on-the-edge of your seat read, a definite page-turner, until the very end.

Hello Amy. Thanks for reading and reviewing Mann in the Crossfire. I'm thrilled you loved the book and are a fan of the series. This is the last day (3/25) of the pre-order pricing at $2.99 for those interested. Anyone interested can find the book via this weblink: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NDRWWSG
Thanks again