5 Stars
Magnetic Read
What an interestingly journey in Pursued by Darkness: A Journey into Light by Mary J. Michaels. I have become a big fan of this author. This is a read that takes the reader along with Dawn on a life's journey, when there is realization of coming out of the darkness is necessary. And once you see the light, the darkness can cast a shadow. Healing is more than just a physical, or emotional, but it's soulful and that can affect someone's outlook on their own life, and how they look at themselves in the mirror. I found it to be an intense, and passionate guide to self-healing, and even what would happen if you were overconfident. Just because you believe the shadows are gone, doesn't mean they are. Nothing ever really disappears, but there are ways to cope and deal with it and getting inspiration to be better than oneself. It is as real to life as one can get. Someone's personal story, and it's honest and true, and written in a way that probably was cathartic as well. Pursued by Darkness: A Journey into Light is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading more titles by this author.
