3 Stars
Good and interesting Read.
Hansom pens a unique memoir in Memoirs of a 20th Century Gentleman. I haven't read anything from this author before. Hansom writes about his life, and calls it innocence, part I. He expresses his experiences very well, and in some places, there may be a bit too much information or detail, while waiting to get back to the original story. I like his mind and how it brings him into different places, and down different paths of life, learning lessons along the way. There are other parts of the his story, and I'd be honored to read what happens next. One of things that the author did, was portray the truth about himself, sometimes in a good light, and other times, not. Life is interesting, especially to those who live it. I look forward to reading many more stories by this author. Memoirs of a 20th Century Gentleman is recommended by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.