Full Title: Metaphorically Speaking : The Human Condition from the Beginning of Time by Steve Shear
5 Stars
Innovative Poetry
What a remarkable collection of innovative thoughts and poetry in Metaphorically Speaking: The Human Condition from the Beginning of Time by Steve Shear. I am a big fan of this author! Whatever this author writes, I read. I found his "Poet's Note" most interesting, which is the perfect beginning for this collection. "I have purposely not grouped these poems by subject matter, in part because it is difficult to do, and in part because I think they are more fun to read the way they are. Also, accompanying each poem you will find a bit of prose including my thought process and what I thought the poem was all about when I put pen to paper, or more precisely when I put fingertips to keys. I refer to this process as “prosetry in action” … A bit corny but what can I say? I made it up." The book has the poems and thoughts of the poet, which in itself is wonderful, but I also found the graphics or images enchanting. I liked this so much, I read many of the poems twice. One of my favorites was written by Shear's character in his Confronting Religious Fanaticism, Ira Neebest. I'm familiar with Ira Neebest, and I especially like the poem The Righteous Path. Part of the poem that really touched me, was "...Or read about the very same issues wrapped in fine literature, penned with imagery, plots, and subplots involving everyday people, characters resonating with the faithful and faithless, as flesh and blood drips from the pages into your lap, flesh and blood you can touch, feel, and smell." I look forward to reading more by this author. Metaphorically Speaking: The Human Condition from the Beginning of Time is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.
