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Miski Harris- Boy Overboard

Genre: MM Romance

4 Stars

Enjoyed this story!

What a fun and steamy story in Boy Overboard by Miski Harris. This book is part of a multi-author All American Boys series, a set of 9 books. This book also fit the theme of the All American "Boy" and makes sense in this set of stories. I am a fan of this author! I liked Riko, and he is one "spoiled" rich boy, someone that makes others get irritated (and that's saying it lightly) from his "poor me" attitude and thinking that everyone owes him something. Riko then finds himself broken, literally, but that still doesn't quite change his attitude. Insert Braxton, and the two are like oil and water, but share the stubbornness trait. I like that it is not the typical boy meets boy story, and Harris does a very good job of showing the readers who these two men truly are, deep inside, is not the same as what they show outside. This author brings the story to life. The characters had a lot of depth and were very realistic. It is always an honor to read this author's books. The story brings the reader (and the characters) on a grand journey. I will definitely add more of this author's books to my bookshelf. Boy Overboard is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.


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