5 Stars
Thrilling adventure
Cunegan pens a thrilling story in Notna. I haven't read anything from this author before, and I really enjoyed it. The characters were unique and realistic. The story brings in the believable, even if almost impossible. This book deserves a second read! (and maybe more). A very well-written story, and I enjoyed it. It's a great story to follow and try to figure out what will happen next. This author's characters develop and interacts well with the other characters. The story is filled with history, secrets and something very powerful. When Corbett has a grand discovery, it soon had a wondrous and exciting (even if terrifying) domino effect. I have fast become a big fan of (this author). This is a story that brings the reader in from the beginning. I look forward to reading more stories by this author. This book is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.
